How to deal with toxic people at work?
In most organizations, we work as a team. We relate the accomplishment of tasks, the execution of processes to each other. They are part of a supply chain. This implies types of relationships between people: communication, collaboration, exchange of information and experiences to get the result. There are different personalities, from whom you learn, you share support to solve problems and fulfill the results. Just as you have to live with people happy to work, also with a personality type in which the interaction becomes exhausting: a toxic person. In this article, we will confer on how to deal with toxic people at work.
Besides the energy consumption that toxic people can represent at work, it also influences emotions. The way of thinking, the pessimistic, conformist attitude, create barriers in obtaining results.
There are situations in which the pace of work is very demanding, action under pressure and stress occurs. In those moments what is required is the support of the people to facilitate the activities. The negative way of thinking of toxic people will impact unfavorably both physically and mentally the others.
How to deal with toxic people at work?
Identify if the environment is negative or is a way of thinking. The first step is to know if you are dealing with toxic people, or are moments that affect the mood or emotions.
Scenarios such as work under pressure, when the time to obtain a result is short, generate stress environments.
When a crisis arises, the atmosphere is one of pessimism, especially when a solution or information that is encouraging is not displayed in the immediate future.
This type of situation affects the mood of the people, which can be harmful. However, they are temporary situations and can be overcome.
How is the case of a client who is upset by some experience with products or services? However, by compensating that situation, he returns his friendly side and again to buy.
The people recognize that they can apply the group experience, human talent to regain positive experiences and growth.
It is what differentiates them from people with a negative attitude.
What are the toxic people and their characteristics?
Poisonous people are generating conflicts since they label the most negative side of what happens around them. The following features will help you to recognize a person of this type.
Pessimism and negativity
They usually complain about everything. Of his colleagues, of his friends, of the projects in which he has participated.
So if you want to innovate, create proposals to improve, do not expect them, get learning or constructive ideas.
They are victims of the circumstances
They like to point the guilty; of his lack of success, of his economic situation, of mistakes in tasks, of his pessimism.
However, they do not take control of their lives and work to be efficient in the personal and work, to get what they want, to be happy.
Destructive critics
The world is continually evolving, science, people, companies; everyone has strengths, areas of opportunity.
A constructive criticism, makes us realize what is not the most appropriate, in terms of ways of doing tasks, attitude, ways of thinking and usually criticism are accompanied by a comment about what we can do to improve or at least invite us to reflect, which is what can be done differently. It helps to correct defects.
The difference with toxic relationships is that their criticism is destructive, contains phrases such as you do not deserve, you are not capable. You did not achieve it, you will not make it, producing an emotional waste.
It is essential to recognize them so as not to fall into that negative atmosphere, full of obstacles.
Toxic people feel comfortable distributing talks about how to speak negatively about another person, crisis at work or accentuate the effects of this situation. This impacts the emotions, the environment, and productivity. So, it is convenient to get away from them and avoid being infected.
They believe they are right at all times
For the different jobs that are developed in companies, there are different experiences, points of view on how to perform a task or be more efficient.
Contribute different points of view and debate constructively, enrich the final product, which will be an improvement.
You can identify toxic people because you do not want to debate constructively and will try to make your proposal win, right or wrong.
Clarify where you are going and reduce uncertainty
Being clear about the desired future is a great argument about how to deal with toxic people at work and decrease the effect of negative emotions.
The conversation with a toxic person will fill you with uncertainty, for example, when you count negative experiences in the past, in which they remain stagnant. Maybe I’ll get you to question or make you doubt if it’s worth the effort to get something different.
Remember, that person is comfortable with the state he lives. Instead, your desired future consists of a better future concerning your current state.
You should not allow yourself to fall into a comfort zone.
The objectives of a goal should allow you to advance
Whether you have it as a co-worker or collaborator, this is an excellent argument for those who
They do negative reviews. The work done by people is deficient. Errors are failures. The surroundings visualize it as a half-empty glass. One question to ask them is: What can we do to achieve the goal?
If you do not change your attitude, you will realize that you are dealing with toxic people and it is time to move away and find those who share the philosophy of working to advance.
As a leader, it is an opportunity to talk, to let him know that you need your collaborator, his best version and invite him to give the best of himself as well as asking him to reflect on where his attitude is leading him.
Work on developing your self-esteem
You can not change others if they do not want to, but you can cause a change in you. Maybe it is not just a person, but a toxic environment in which you live.
It is essential to evaluate the environment and evaluate yourself. Take control of your emotions, acting with emotional intelligence. It also works on developing self-esteem. In the following link, you will know more about emotional intelligence.
Free yourself from toxic conversations
Establish conversation patterns, such as being open to opportunities to develop skills, experiences. This way you will have the control to free yourself of negative energy, avoiding falling into toxic conversations.
A glass containing water at half its capacity can be seen differently: half full or half empty. As an opportunity to fish or learn to fish. It represents the risk of suffering an accident.
Tilt the balance towards positive energy
In addition to acting with emotional intelligence, developing positive thoughts will allow you to visualize the environment in a different way. Work to achieve that positive thought during the day is 50% + 1, get to be more positive, and visualize opportunities even in difficulties.
The purpose of dealing with toxic people is not to be influenced by their negative state.
Positive energy helps reflect
A relevant aspect of dealing with toxic people is referring to emotional response. Perhaps his behavior provokes anger, despair. We must take care not to enter this frequency. It is essential to be aware of the emotionality that you feel at that moment before responding.
Positive energy helps to reflect on the situation emotions and maintain control, to diminish the effects of conversations with difficult people.
The experiences throughout life, the trajectory at work, shape the character and way of thinking. Some of those moments are pleasant and satisfying. They fill us with positive energy.
Learn to be constructive, to be clear about personal and company purposes, to be convinced that you work for a better future; learn to be positive, visualize typical situations, a glass of water up to half full capacity, discover opportunities, represent good arguments to deal with toxic people.
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