
The best month to buy a car: Know the reasons and the key dates

We constantly receive emails from readers who ask us about the best month to buy a car or about the best times of the year to buy a new car and it has seemed so interesting that we have decided to share our opinion and our knowledge with you. The purchase of a new car is a real Berenice and in the current times, which may be the determining factor at the time of purchase, without a doubt will be the economic. Knowing the best times of the year or the best month to buy a new car can save us several thousand dollars. Buying our vehicle at the right time can be a round move if we consider some key factors that can save us hundreds or even thousands of euros in your purchase.

End of the month

the buy a car

Salespeople usually have sales goals, so the last days of the month can be very important for them, which leads to several promotions, discounts or incentive packages that may be convenient. To not be late and have time to choose what they offer, it is good that between days 16 and 20 of the month you go to a dealer or a seller and see what they will offer in the following days.

Year-end sales

The end of the year are good opportunities because of the different incentives that manufacturers have in those times, in addition because the demand for vehicles is higher, which makes December an ideal month to buy a car. For sellers it is the last opportunity to take inventory not sold during the year, so they are willing to make important offers in order to meet annual goals, so if you want to buy a car, do not hesitate to go to the dealership on all day 30 and December 31.

Model changes

An ideal time to buy a car is to wait for the moment in which the new model comes out, because dealers could reduce the “old” to thousands of dollars. Take into account that we are really talking about a last model in the last months of the year, usually in the fall, which means that the changes between the newcomer and the “old” are minimal, but the price difference is quite. There are even more possibilities to find a cheap car when talking about one that will have changes in its design in the next model, this normally decreases the sales of the previous model and generates lower prices.

Buy a car at the end of the year: Is December the best month to buy?

discover buy a car

The most widespread rumors are that the purchase at the end of the calendar year is the best date since dealers want to close the year with the highest possible registrations. This need to register a certain number of cars or exceed that number is carried out to meet the sales targets set by the brand and thus obtain all the advantages that it announced at the beginning of the season and that focus on discounts for volume of sales, discounts when reaching an objective, or bonuses of suppliers and financiers.

By the end of the year dealers are discounting the vehicles to meet their annual sales targets so it is true that the purchase at the end of the year, is a smart purchase , however, there is no guarantee that a sale at the end of the year. year always ends well and probably not all buyers can afford to wait for these dates to buy a new car.

But, what if the sales are good ?. Even when sales are strong in the first eleven months of the year, dealers put all the meat in the grill in December to meet or exceed their targets. The acquisition of dozens of vehicles by the dealers at the end of the year gives them more options to reach the desired sales targets and of course, all those vehicles must be sold urgently. Fortunately there are other dates in which we can use a similar logic to get better prices but for this we must understand slightly how a dealer operates in this way, go prepared.

The best time to buy a car : When are you most anxious to sell?

Well, at the end of the month there is an action in all the dealers known as “closing of the month” . At this moment, each concession takes stock of the operations that have been closed and of those that have not. As is logical, in the last 4 days of the month, the dealer already knows if it was a good month or a bad month so in those days and as long as it was a bad month, they will be more willing to offer a better discount that for example, at the beginning of the month.

In addition to closing the month, closing the quarter and semester are also good times to close a deal since they are the control points used by the concessionaires to measure the general situation of sales.

At the end of the day, for example, professionals are ready to go home even though a smart salesperson does not allow a potential and interested customer to go home without first closing a deal. Approaching a dealership at the end of the day may be more advantageous and if it is the end of the day, the last day of the month, it is even better.

It is better to buy the car towards the end of the month

The cars registered or those in the field are an interesting bet if you are one of those who go from setting up the car to pleasure. Take a specific color, a finish, a package of equipment configured by the dealer or a car that has been registered will save you a good money but if you offer this product do not let yourself be coaxed by the discount , assess whether the savings you make deserve Really worth it and if the product fits your needs.

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Despite what we can think, the economic situation does not help us because most of the sellers (understood by these, the commercial that faces the public), in times of economic bonanza worked on a commission , however, today , this commission has been transformed into a fixed one that in occasions is, from my point of view quite ridiculous for the weight that this figure has in the sale process. The almost complete elimination of the commission does not leave the commercial more possibility of discounting than the one that the concession allows it to apply, which depending on the brand, model and volume handled by the concession, can easily reach up to 10% of the value of the operation.

At this point it should be noted that there are direct campaigns that are launched from the brand in certain models or finishes and that increase the discount margins notably to almost reach 18%.

Choosing the dealer is also key to obtaining a better price

top buy a car

Yes, it may seem silly but it is not. The more sales volume the dealer has, the better prices we can get at the time of purchase so the best thing you can do is go in search of the largest dealer near your home. Best month to buy a car, but it also depends on the dealer

If you have time to spare, you can make your purchase in another community. Compare prices is never bad and leave the big cities either

Everyone denies it but it is a fact, at present neither in all the concessionaires nor in all the provinces the same prices are offered . Leaving aside the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands, a trip of 100 km can save you several hundred dollars in the purchase of the same product.

In vehicles more we find such differences is in hybrid vehicles (although in recent months there has been widespread enough) and although dealers deny, in some provinces there are agreements between them in order to “not throw down” the prices and improve their benefits by not “eating your commission” .

Are there other interesting dates to buy a new car?

new buy a car

Another smart time to approach a dealership to buy a new car is in late summer or early fall , when new vehicles or rather the new “Model Year” , usually arrive at exhibitions. At this moment, the “Model Year” of the previous year are in stock and of course, we must lower them.

If instead of a simple MY it is a face lift, the thing changes even more since although you will not get the last, the slight change in aesthetics and equipment makes the pre restyling model apply a succulent label discount. The buyers that look for the models with the face lift will pay something more for the vehicle, nevertheless, the drivers who do not mind to take a vehicle “eschatological” will benefit from great discounts.

The last moment and perhaps, from my point of view, the most interesting is to buy a car in January and if possible it has already been registered. If the concessionaires did not reach objectives naturally, it may have caused them to register an important package of cars in the last week of December to comply with the requirements of the brand – this practice is known as self-enrollment. You can also register your buy a car yourself, here we explain how. The fact of having been enrolled in December of the previous year and being caught dust in the basement of the concession, together with the need to recover the investment (to achieve objectives) in a very useful tool to negotiate. The problem will be that we must acquire a car already registered and equipped to taste the concession … As you can see, it is not necessary to wait until December to sell vehicles and meet the goals so keep in mind what we have told you to make your purchase and get the best price for new cars . More than an explanation, it is a small guide of tricks to reveal in some way the operation, roughly of a dealer and thus make an intelligent purchase at the most advantageous time for us and of greatest need for them.

Finally, buying a car can be a complicated decision because of everything that implies, from the economic situation, until the moment in which the manufacturers place the new models on the market. Therefore we must know what are the best times of the year to approach a dealer and purchase a vehicle. That’s right, the difference between having the car of your dreams or conform to the you could buy can also be called timing, so today we will take some advice from our friends at Kelley Blue Book, who explain what the moments are that we should not waste if we want to make a change of vehicle.

Richard Brown

I'm Richard, the writer of the blog. I enjoy writing about the lifestyle and all things related to technology. I've been blogging for over six years and I've also been working as a technology journalist for over three years. In my spare time, you can usually find me reading, playing video games, or experimenting with new technologies.

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