How to include flowers in your wedding
There are five essential ingredients to having a great wedding. Get these right and these right and the whole thing should just fall into place. However, they are tricky things to get correct so you must be prepared to do some research over all of them. Firstly, the Venue for the reception needs to meet your needs. One great option is the Barn Wedding Venue Kent way. The invites and save the dates need to be sent well in advance, you must have a good suit and a dress and finally the food and the flowers need to be on point. Simple.
How do you include flowers in the wedding? Flowers are an important and even symbolic part of the ceremony and the day as they highlight the fresh newness of the Marriage and the life that you are both about to embark upon. Dull and lifeless flowers will not do. Therefore the choice of the flowers and their location around the church and the reception are important to choose and have in place.
All weddings have a colour theme, if you don’t have one then you should get one. White is important for the dress but certain other colours work better with it than others. If you’re going for red then roses and tulips are an option. If it’s yellow, a popular option of summer, then you should go for primroses and chystanums. Yellow roses are also quite spectacular as well. Place them at the venue and Church entrance at the very least. They should also be on the wedding tables.