How to hire a freelancer for your project? Follow these 8 tips
This post is for you that you require an efficient collaborator who understands perfectly what you need and the importance of quality work for your company. In this article, we are going to discover how to hire a freelancer for your project.
Starting to adopt the independent work model for large projects can be very profitable for your company. In fact, Jon Younger, a contributor to Forbes magazine and an expert on independent work trends, says that today up to 90% of companies turn to freelancers in one way or another.
How to hire a freelancer for your project?
So get to work! Once you have followed the simple steps to create your project, deploy your best qualities of the detective to find an ally that becomes an active part of your growth and that really helps you to go further.
8 Tips to find the best freelancer for your project
Follow these tips and start choosing your partner or team freelancer today. Keep in mind that most of these steps will take you just a moment of your time, do not skip them.
1. Review the proposals
One of the advantages of creating projects in the online platform is that you can easily review and categorize the proposals sent to you by freelancers. The ones that call your attention simply highlight them as “favorites”. Those that do not adapt to what you need can be discarded to facilitate the selection.
2. Review the expertise of your favorite proposals
Once you have several good proposals selected, visit the profile of each of the freelancers. Ideally, you should select two or three that show you have the skills you are looking for, as well as excellent reviews from your previous clients.
If the proposal that interested you is from a new freelancer on the platform that does not have reviews yet, do not worry! You can give it a try, but we recommend that you ask for samples of your work and that instead of giving a large or complete project, you start working somewhat smaller or for hours.
3. Check delivery times
Before starting, do not forget to pay special attention to delivery times. Corroborate what the freelancer indicated in your proposal, check what ratings you have obtained in that aspect of previous clients and, if you have any doubts, ask again when you have it ready, once you have refined details.
4. Talk to the freelancer and look at their jobs
We recommend that you never accept the proposal of a freelancer without first having spoken with him, much less than you make the payment in the guarantee. Take your time to ask key questions to your star prospects and always, but always ask them for samples of their previous work or references.
5. Connect with a video call
You have everything you need to communicate with freelancers. Before accepting a proposal and throughout the entire project, you can exchange messages with him or her and even make video calls from the platform.
This is very important because it allows you to keep a record of all the information and agreements reached, in such a way that you protect your investment in case of any dispute or arbitration.
6. Evaluate with a quality checklist
This checklist is very useful for you to choose the best freelancers among all those who sent you the proposal:
Have good reviews of previous clients or, failing that, can show you previous works or give you references.
7. Invites featured freelancers
In addition to simply waiting for good proposals to arrive, you can actively search for freelancers in our ” find freelancers ” section. It is very easy to do it because you simply establish the criteria and the search engine yields the profiles that best fit what you need. When you find one that catches your attention, you can send a direct invitation to send you a proposal.
8. Search PRO freelancers
If you only want the best of the best, bet on a PRO freelancer. Only freelancers who already have an excellent track record in the platform have this category, so choosing between them is a guarantee of quality. The difference is that your budgets may be slightly higher than the rest.
Do you have a big project? The right freelancer can take your business very far
The same Jon Younger study that we mentioned at the beginning points out that every day the figure of the executive freelancer is more frequent. It is independent workers capable of managing large projects, making deep transformations, fixing complex problems and considerably boosting the growth of a company with your knowledge and skills.
According to the Association of Interim Executives (or Association of Executive Freelancers), these skills are especially important in an economic context of vertiginous change and intense competition, because they are objective-oriented profiles and are in permanent training.
Anticipate a new era. According to a survey by WIL Group, an international firm of executive freelancers, the demand for this class of professionals is constantly increasing and is becoming a stable trend in countries that are an economic power, especially in the categories of project management and information technology.