
Sea salt massage: an ally against cellulite

The sea salt massage has an exfoliating, regenerating and purifying effect on the skin and helps to fight cellulite.

If you are curious to learn more about the topic, in the next few lines you will be able to discover all the benefits of salt massage and know which are the most effective marine extracts for the beauty of your skin. We suggest visiting Best Facials in Manhattan.

Enjoy the reading!

Why is sea salt massage good for your skin?

The thalassotherapy is considered a real symbol of well-being. All SPAs now offer their customers swimming pools, halotherapy treatments, massages and scrubs that take advantage of the beneficial properties of sea water and marine climate products including salt and algae.

The benefits of sea salt on the skin, however, are certainly not discovered today. Since ancient times this substance was recognized as a precious skin care ally. It is no coincidence that the ancient Romans used to take advantage of its therapeutic properties by alternating massages with sea salt and regenerating baths in the thermal waters. Visit Waxing in NYC to get the best care of waxing.

Although it is recommended to limit its use in cooking, the world of wellness is full of salt treatments because it is aware of the great benefits of this spice. The use of sea salt, combined with massotherapeutic practices, helps to reduce cellulite by stimulating the lymphatic and blood circulation, regenerating the skin and purifying the tissues. Moreover, if used as a scrub, it is effective to eliminate impurities and dead cells from the superficial layers of the skin, making it smooth and clean.

The salt massage is also very useful for athletes. This treatment gives a big hand to overcome the efforts of training, to relieve muscle and joint pains and contributes to the disposal of excess fluids that weigh down the muscles.

Also its relaxing effect and the ability to reduce anxiety and stress should not be underestimated. Moreover, it is effective in the treatment of some dermatological diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and skin irritations.

How salt massage takes place

Generally, salt massage always begins with a scrub to exploit its exfoliating properties. The exfoliation process frees the skin from dead cells and toxins, purifies it and promotes dilation of the pores. This phase is essential to prepare the skin to absorb the beneficial substances of sea salt in the best possible way.

Once the skin has been purified, it proceeds with the actual massage. The treatment is performed with circular movements, wide and slow on the whole body in order to stimulate the circulation and avoid the stagnation of liquids.

The most used salts for massages

To make the most of the benefits of saline treatments it is recommended to always use the sea salt because it is full of substances useful to our body. The processing of refined sea salt disperses most of these precious elements, thus being depleted compared to the integral one.

The salts most used to perform this kind of massage are the Dead Sea salts and the pink Himalayan salt. Here are their properties.

The Dead Sea salt is known for its draining and detoxifying. This salt is able to stimulate the activation of the microcirculation, thus proving an excellent remedy against the much hated orange peel. To enhance the anti-cellulite effect, Dead Sea salts are often used in combination with slimming muds. Moreover, thanks to the high content of potassium, bromine and magnesium, it promotes relaxation.

The pink Himalayan salt is a unique sea salt. In fact, it is a salt with very ancient origins coming from seas dried up over 200 million years ago and therefore free of contaminants. Himalayan salt contains as many as 84 different minerals and is rich in trace elements. Often performed with hot stones, the massage with pink Himalayan salt has a purifying, revitalizing and firming effect. Furthermore, it stimulates metabolism and circulation.

Now are you ready to add a pinch of salt to your beauty rituals? Let us know in the comments! Finally we recommended Spa in Manhattan and Best nail Salon in Manhattan to know more details.

Roger Walker

Roger is the founder of this Website. He specializes in writing about all things the latest trends. He has a love for the automotive and technology lifestyle. Also, He is a researcher and businessman who specializes in different types of services. He has a business where He provides services to people on a daily basis. He loves to learn and loves to share what he has learned.

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