
Which are the most polluting countries?

It’s no big secret that climate change is a big concern and has been for many years now. Greenhouse gases caused by human activity are said to be the main cause of global warming, and despite agreements in force around the world, this concern is continuing to rise.

most polluting countries

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Every country is responsible for global warming. According to World Population Review, pollution not only increases global warming but can also heighten health problems such as asthma and cancer.

We can also see an effect on crops putting crucial resources at risk; a soil remediation company could help governments alleviate the effects of all this pollution. For example, a soil remediation company could help lessen the impact by investigating and providing solutions where they are needed.

Who are the worst culprits and why? Our comprehensive list below can offer you some insight, and you can also read more online about the benefits of using a soil remediation company.

most polluting countries

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Top 5 worst polluting countries

1. China

This is the world’s most populated country, and it has seen its export market grow considerably, increasing the danger to the planet. There are constant red alerts in places such as Beijing for environmental pollution.

2. United States

America is the world’s biggest commercial and industrial power. The US has led many important campaigns to try to combat climate change but much more still needs to be done.

3. India

India has had a law in place protecting the quality of air since 1981 but due to the increase of burning fossil fuels, it ranks in third place in the most polluting countries in the world.

4. Russia

There is a very high dependence here on substances such as oil, coal, gas and fossil fuels. Over the past few decades, there have been many environmental emergencies including the toxic dump fumes that hit a town near Moscow.

5. Japan

Japan is the biggest consumer of fossil fuels in the world and ranks fifth on the list of emitting high greenhouse gases. These levels are due to a high level of urban development.

Taking action now is paramount if we want to preserve our planet’s precious natural resources. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has predicted further increases if nothing changes.

Roger Walker

Roger is the founder of this Website. He specializes in writing about all things the latest trends. He has a love for the automotive and technology lifestyle. Also, He is a researcher and businessman who specializes in different types of services. He has a business where He provides services to people on a daily basis. He loves to learn and loves to share what he has learned.

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